Sad Radio Show?


I´m posting this here, because I think that the video i request was published in GnT.
So in this video various comedians, including Matsumoto from GnT, were driving aroudn in a car. While they were driving, they had to listen to radio, were sad stories were told ( about childhood memories and teh death of a father ) and two sad songs were played, including Chicken Rice from Hamada and Matsumoto.

The comedians were really sad, some of them even cried.

I watched this video on youtube a while ago, but can´t find it anymore.
Does anybody here know where i can watch it?

that show was not GnT. its a different show, called lincoln.
i dont think a subbed one is online/uploaded already.
just browse through the section. i know you’ll find it (sorry, im just too lazy to look for it now >_>)
