Seek a special 24h tag

Hello everyone.
I’m seeking a video like the 24h tag (the same scenario) Howerver the change is that’s not on a gymnase but on the outside near a school during the night. There is a lot of men dressed on black suits like monsters. They all run after the Protagonists.
I don’t know if I’m clear, it’s difficult to find out this video, if anyone could help me, it would be so nice :) Thanks

If I’m not wrong, it’s the Spy Batsu. :slight_smile:
There’s a part where they’re outside, purchased by onigokko. XD (And Matsumoto is alone in a room)

may be ur talking about moment in Spy batsu :hug: . Look this part in the middle of the episode.

Ohhhh alright, thanks both of you ! gonna watch all the spy batsu, it’s been a long time !

does anyone have a link to the original tag game, before the 24 hour tag batsu game where it was an indoor activity in some office building or something?

The original 24hr tag game is on youtube.


Well, i don’t know if what you are looking for is the spy batsu… but just a heads up : there is a japanese show called : "Run for your Money" it aired a few episodes last year and this year, its really funny, and in some of their episodes, there are dudes in black suits (literally, not the batsu punisher costume) and they run and have to catch the protagonists who have some money with them. they have like 3 hours or so, and the protagonists that do not get caught by that time, win the money, and the rest get punished…

found it on d-addicts