Videos of Hamada's crazy high school

Hey, I’m not sure if you know this (don’t know if it has been mentioned in any vids with subs) but Hamada used to go to a crazy strict high school. The three years he spent there are referred to as the "blank years" or "lost years" of his life as he barely had any contact with the outside world. They often talk about how he ran away from the school and went to Matsumoto for some money to eat udon, among other stories.

These videos are kinda scary, as in the idea of there actually being a school (or at least used to) that does this kinda stuff. The kids don’t even seem human, but a pack of insane animals in a frenzy.

Anyway, enjoy (? lol)




That’s insane.
But it also justifies a little his behavior, toward the senior/junior relationships, and how well he can scream the titles of each segments, and other things.
Those two have a long story, huh.

OMG! Its like its right out of Be A Man! Samurai School (Sakigake!! Otokojuku)
If Hamada had to go though all that it explains the lot! :D

Why do they have to endure those things ?? :fubar: :fubar: :fubar:

I would love to know how Hamada managed to run away from that place ! :^) :^)

I remember reading stories about Hamada running away from school and meeting up with Matsumoto, but I didn’t know he was in a school like this. I’d run away too! How common are schools like this in Japan today? I know in the U.S. there are a few crazy schools like this that parents send "troubled teens" to, but they’re pretty rare.

I wonder what Hamada’s relationship with his parents is like. Does he resent them for sending him off to such a place?

I was thinking the other day about how Gaki members’ relatives show up (especially in batsu games) like Matsumoto’s family in the Ranger batsu, or his brother in the hospital and haunted hotel batsus, Endo’s brother in the Hotel Man batsu, and his parents and brother (again!) in the airport batsu and Chiaki (in everything!) of course, or Hamada’s wife in the hotel batsu (and in picture in the Spy batsu). Yamasaki’s wife had a 500 questions episode and that wedding video they show in all the "Goodbye Yamasaki" episodes… what about Tanaka?

eh, my point was going to be you never hear about Hamada’s parents.

I don’t know… the videos are impressive, but… this kind of story is kinda unbelievable, in my opinion.

Speaking of Hamada parents, have one mention to Hamada dad on Newspaper agency, which showed his name is Kengorou.

News and Announcement is not really the right section to post this… so i moved it.

First one is relatively normal, but second one is horrible. Cleaning toilets barehanded, smashing juniors heads against lockers… it seems there is also a female version of it.

At least now we have a "logical" explanation of Hamada’s shrilly voice.

it seems like some sort of juvenile delinquent school, I can’t imagine a parent sending their child there willingly.